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More About Dario Argento!

After Tenebrae Dario continues his work by himself on his own movie comapany called DAC Films. The first film to come out on this label is "Phenomena 1985" a film about a sleep walking girl (Jennifer Corvino) with supernatrual powers who witnesses a murder. This is an extreamly powerful film when it comes to the visual media, superb dream seaquenses and nice camera slidesmakes this film staring the late Donald Pleasence (halloween) into a real toth grinder, the special effects by Sergio Stivaletti are realy well thought through.

During this time Dario also produce his friend Lamberto Bavas "Demons 1985". The sequense to Demons "Demons 2" features a young Asia Argento.

Then came "Opera 1988" a film im sure must be seen on the big screen! If not, you will miss out on some of the extreamly cool camera shots showing angy birds in flight. This one realy is a work of genues!!! What a story! What pure Terror! Feel the pain of the killers victims! Yes, Yes, Yes se this you must... Do not see the censored English version ore even worse> the Swedish one totaly slashed to peases by the cencors scissors. No, No, No se the original version the way it was intended to be seen.

"Two Evil Eyes" was Dario next project. Working together with George Romero whom he erlier helpt supervise in the film "Dawn Of The Dead". In this film Dario decided to make "The Black Cat" based upon a short story by Edgar Allan Poe. Romero Started of making the first part of the film with his enterpitation of "The Case Of Waldemar". Pruduction on this film was made in America and, stared Harvey Keitel. Not so well recived bu the public it got forgotten.

Trauma wrongly hacked upon realy made a great inpact on me. Im not sure why the crittics made this film seem like a real desaster? I realy feel for this film, and i think its not the best film made by Dario but atleast one of the top four. Splendid acting by Asia Argento in this grusam decapitation horror, and have you guest who the killer is film. (Read more about the Splendid Asia Argento in the Asia Section of this page!)

"Stendhal's Syndrome" another wrongly batterd film! How come you ask yourself? This film about a police woman on a case so catch a sexualy sadistic killer gives you a psycadellic trip into the mind of a deranged killer. This is one sick movie that makes you think twise about human nature.

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� Rahlenbeck 1998

Last modified on den 28 May 1998


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